API Terms of Use

WeShop API Terms of Use

WeShop AI (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") provides API services to facilitate partners and developers in creating innovative applications and enhancing user experience. To protect the legal rights and interests of the Company and its users, the following terms of use are hereby declared:

  1. Prohibition of Competitive Use: It is strictly forbidden to use the Company's API to build, develop, or support products or services that compete with WeShop AI. This includes, but is not limited to, creating applications that copy or imitate WeShop AI's core functions and making them available to the public market.
  2. Usage Restrictions: The use of the API is limited to enhancing or supplementing the WeShop AI platform and must not be used for actions that harm the Company's interests or disrupt user experience.
  3. Data Protection: Any data obtained through the API must be processed and stored in accordance with the Company's data protection policies and relevant laws and regulations.
  4. Legal Action: WeShop AI reserves the right to take legal action against individuals or organizations that violate the above terms. This may include, but is not limited to:
  • Immediate termination of API access
  • Demand for compensation for losses caused by violations
  • Seeking injunctions or other remedies through legal channels
  1. Compliance Monitoring: The Company will continuously monitor the use of the API to ensure all users comply with these terms.
  2. Terms Update: WeShop AI reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. The modified terms will take effect immediately upon publication.

By using WeShop's API, you agree to comply with these terms. If you have any questions, please contact us at hi@weshop.ai